What is Your Home @ 3206?

Do you live in Middle Park, postcode 3206? Have you lived here in the past? On these pages you can find street views of your house from 1974 and 2013 and stories associated with these houses. Find out how your home and street have changed over the last half century. What is the history of your house, who has lived in it and who lives in it now?

If you have images of your house and people in the past and present you are invited to upload them to our site. Why is this important? Middle Park is our home and the role of the Middle Park & Albert Park History Group is to protect, preserve and promote the stories of our buildings and our people. We invite you to contribute to preserving that history for future generations by providing information and images about your home and its people by sharing your story here.

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Or click below to browse Middle Park by street, or to search by the owner or resident's name.